CSR Initiatives for Supply Chain Management

Sumisho Global Logistics Europe s.r.o., as one of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, has established the CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. Through the implementation of these guidelines, we are aiming to realize a sustainable society by working together with our suppliers and business partners to achieve responsible value chain management. The Company provides numerous opportunities to promote the understanding and entrenchment of these guidelines, including training for new employees and locally hired employees, meetings within business units and domestic and overseas regional organizations, and pre-departure briefings with employees being sent on overseas assignments.

In the event that we find violations of these guidelines in our supply chains, we will urge the suppliers, business partners or contractors, etc. to remedy and improve the situation, while providing support to them as needed. However, if there are no improvements to the situation by them, we will consider carefully whether to continue our business with them or not.


  1. The Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management

Established in November 2009
Revised in November 2013

The Sumitomo Corporation Group aims to be a global organization that, by constantly staying a step ahead in dealing with change, creating new value, and contributing broadly to society, strives to achieve prosperity and realize the dreams of all our stakeholders through sound business activities in strict adherence to our Corporate Mission Statement, and the management style principle contained therein, wherein prime importance is given to integrity and sound management with the utmost respect being paid to the individual.

In order to promote sustainability and social wellbeing in accordance with our mission, the Sumitomo Corporation Group hereby sets down these CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. With a view to further strengthening the global relations which form one of the foundations of our core competence of integrated corporate strength, we request our suppliers and business partners to kindly accept, understand, and practice these guidelines so that together we can achieve responsible value chain management.

Our suppliers and business partners are expected to:

  1. Respect human rights and not to be complicit in human rights abuses
  2. Prevent forced labor, child labor and the payment of unfairly low wages
  3. Not engage in discriminatory employment practices
  4. Respect the rights of employees to associate freely in order to ensure open and fair negotiations between labor and management
  5. Provide employees with safe and healthy work environments
  6. Protect the global environment and give due consideration to biodiversity
  7. Ensure the quality and safety of products and services
  8. Ensure fair business transactions, to abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to prevent extortion, bribery and all other forms of corrupt business practices
  9. Ensure appropriate information security
  10. Cooperate with members of local host communities and contribute to sustainable regional development
  11. Disclose information regarding the above in a manner both timely and appropriate.

Interpretation of The Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management(PDF/240KB)

  1. Sumitomo Corporation Group Statement for UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

We set out the steps Sumitomo Corporation Group has taken to help ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in SC Group’s business or supply chains. The statement is approved by the board of directors of Sumitomo Corporation as the parent company of Sumitomo Corporation Group.

FY 2022 Statement(PDF/247KB)
FY 2021 Statement(PDF/646KB)
FY 2020 Statement(PDF/646KB)